Crossroads of the world- the architectural attraction of Los Angeles
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Crossroads of the world- the architectural attraction of Los Angeles

“Crossroads of the world” shopping center is one of the oldest places in southern California. It was opened in 1935 and is having its place on Sunset Boulevard. Today it has a status of architectural and historical site. The author of the constructed place and the main architect was Robert V. Derrah, who performed entertainment complex in the form of a huge passenger liner. All retail stores are thus located under the open sky.

This is the first shopping Mall of the United States, in which departments are not placed inside of the construction but on the street, like a village of small bungalows.  In addition, the territory of the Crossroads of the World is enriched with entertainment areas, children’s playrooms, offices of many music companies, publishers, writers and directors, fashion designers and record studios.

The tower with an American flag and endlessly rotating earth model is a main decoration on board of the ship. The complex was a shooting place of various feature films, including “the Secrets of Los Angeles”, TV shows and commercials of McDonald’s.

Following their web resource, stores in Crossroads of the World initially consisted of stylists for hair, French perfumes, Oriental art store, a Spanish cigar manufacturer, clothing store and even “handkerchief” for superstars (including WC Fields and F. Scott Fitzgerald) and high-end buyers. Before the time, when Epcot Center in Florida was trying to transport tourists to different countries, “Crossroads” blustered a range of constructions with different kind of European kinds of architecture. Like many of Hollywood’s Crossroads of the World got through the hard times in the 1960-ies and 70-ies and was close to demolition. Developer Morton La Kretz bought the complex in 1977. Over the next few years, Kretz worked hard to restore its initial Grand.

The Crossroads of the World is situated next to the Walt Disney Studio.

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